Harini going to make a review about a set of hair care that i used since early march this year. I put the picture on instagram and said the review will be on my blog, tapi baru arini nk buat, mesti org dok tercarik2 manakah reviewnyer..hahaha..eh, ade org cari ke pun? haha..
I read from somewhere, tak ingat from who tapi from instagram jugak la about this shampoo. Kebetulan that time i was just ended my confinement period. All mak-mak must knw this syndrome hair fall bagaikan waterfall..huhu..before preggy pun mmg rambut byk gugur, mcm2 shampoo n tonik dah try, name it, all the commercial shampoo that claim anti-hair fall byk dh try, shampoo bawang jackie chan tu pun dh try (tahan jer la baunyer) hehe..
Tergerak hati nk try this La Bourse shampoo. So order via instashop. I order shampoo, conditioner and hair tonic. Actually kat caption dia tulis hair serum, tapi actual botol tulis tonik. Masa tgk gmbar tu i thot serum tu like the hair oil yg letak sikit2 kat ujung rmbut..seller tu salah konsep ke ape? tapi tapelah..ok jer, tonik pun tonik laaa...
Been using for 5 months. Baru last week habis the last drop. tu pun dok campur dengan air goncang2 untuk lgkah penjimatan..(cheapskate betul..huhu..) Dek kerana baby kesayangan jenis asek nk melekat jer,nk pi qada' hajat sekejap pun dh meraung depan pintu toilet, so kekerapan saya bersyampoo ialah seminggu 1-2 kali jer..tu pun saya sorang2 je yg guna, hubby takleh kacau, hubby pakai shampoo biasa je yg beli kt kedai runcit tu..hehe..so thats explain why jgka hayat bersama saya agak pjg..
Memang berkesan. really works on me! Lepas shampoo pakai conditioner, then lepas keringkan dgn towel spray the tonic kt kulit kepala sambil urut2..rasa sejuk berangin je bila spray kepala..Rambut memang ketara tahap keguguran. Before this rambut melekat sana sini..even melekat kt muka baby time breastfeed..sekarang dah takde.Tapi nk kata 100% tak gugur tu mmg tipulah, still ada..tapi sikit. Byk sikit gugur time cuci rambut. I think thats normal hair fall..rmbut pn dh tak jarang cam dulu..
4 stars out of 5. 1 star tu sbb i have to use conditioner everytime shampoo, if tak pakai rambut rasa kesat tak licin..lalu akan kusut masai sbb tak sikat rambut..hee..pastu u ols jgn la expect shampoo ni bau wangi tahan 7 hari ala2 perfume salvatore ferragamo..memang tak la..tapi dia tak busuk. cuma ia bukan tahap kesukaan hidungku..
Harga satu set RM90
emel me nama page vendor .. mizsreen@live.com
ReplyDeleteni penjualnyer ye eryn http://instagram.com/adi.valentino.touch
ReplyDeleteEryn, ada contact no or IG dia tak? Desperately needed one. Mine finish dh.
ReplyDeletethis is the phone number.whatsapp dia 0192804467
DeleteHaii.. mmg best kann shampoo tu..sy ada jual but just shampoo & conditioner je.. sila follow my ig @nabeautyshoppe17 m whatsapp 0176384571