Friday, July 24, 2009

Good ol' time

i went back to my hometown last saturday and just got back to kajang on wednesday.what a long rest..hehehe.didnt plan to go anywhere as i miss my home very i decided to rearrange the girl stuffs' in my room.that was when i accidentally found all these things.i've been keeping this for several years and yet still have it until now..and every single thing means a lot to me.just snap a few pictures,ada byk lagi in the boxes including the notes + plush toys + cards + good luck charm masa kat ssp..bak kata my mom " boleh la bukak museum kamu sendiri nanti.." huhu..~perempuan :P

hehe..if im not mistaken the second time fly ..kots?sape amek gmba nih?zuray?effa?cant recall..those time compact film camera x nmpak la ape yg ade kat belakang.nmpak ke pun..mmg gelap kat belakang umah pakcik..(aiseh i forgot the warden name)..err..

i quote effa - hana,aku kenal bag ni! (after near 12 years i still have the bag with me,masih elok..just the 'Puma' sign dh hilang sikit )

this mug, my mom bought me when i entered SSp.form 1..masih digunakan di rumah ku..

baiti gave this to me masa SPM.

music box and bear naik kereta tu from baiti,brooch case from mai,frame from effa and the paper weight made from batu sungai tu from kak Hana.handmade..masa form 3 dia bagi..sweetnyer dia ;)

birthday thingy ni pzah gave masa first year kat University, keychain Suzie bagi masa dia belajar kat MRSM Jasin and the Too Phat CD album cover effa bagi masa form 5 sebab dia salah print size CD case.masih wujud lagi saye simpan...note the title 'Just a fan by Stania' ...hohoho

another things kak Hana bagi masa PMR and farewell gift before dia klua SSP :) barang2 semasa join Gema Warisan Budaya UTM.rindu sgt2 nak menari..uwaa...fake eyelash tu sampai dh tertanggal..nk buang ke?


  1. walking down the memory lane eh?

  2. none from me?

    hmmmmmm..sob sob


    stay sis!

  3. mizzy > hehehehe...tertibe la plak kan ter layan memori ;)

    shera > of course ade my dear, mostly barang2 kat atas tu aku simpan dlm box,kamu punya notes ade letak kat album..yg ade shape love tu -> stay sis..hehehe..comel jer ;)

  4. dah dapat trace balik.warden itu ialah pakcik ayob (sumber dari pzah) and gmba tu epa yg snap (sumber dari baiti) hehe..

  5. hana! sgt nostalgic ok!

    stay sis.. lama giler tak dgr words ni..

  6. izzy >> hi sis ;)

    thirah >> comel je kan ayat tu..wahaha..malu tersipu-sipu plak bila aku ingat balik ;)

  7. aisehh nak gamba tu gakk... ade lg tak gamba2 yg lain... scan weh anta kt aku...

    rindula kt beger chokia.. time husband aku kt kem jln ipoh dlu, time nk blk kem die mesti lalu dpn balai polis sentul tu.. byk kali aku ajak die gi kt lorong blkg tu tp die tak lyn.. huhu

  8. zughai >> haa..aku dh lama nk ingat word tu CHOKIA!! yes memori ko hebat!jom melawat tapak tu balik jom :P


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